Friday, January 19, 2007

My 'duck' was almost flying

Although the nickname of my care is NOT 'ugly duck', since it is a Dyane, as described before, it really felt as if I was flying yesterday evening when I was driving home! With a wind strength of 10 beaufort, heavy rainfall/downpour from everywhere and squalls (rukwinden) up to 133 km/h the 12 km trip was very exciting and even a bit scary. It took be 45 minutes and I had to avoid falling branches, branches on the road, bikers and even kliko's (big garbage cans) passing by! Many big crossroads were floaded with up to 30-40 cm of water.
In the rest of the Netherlands it was even worse: deaths, injuries, big highways closed, no trains, limited airplanes.
And today it is very quiet, almost no clouds and very sunny!?