Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Too high water level! (or "The earth", part 2)

Great to finally see Bernd and Saskia's -9.4 meter- sailboat the Columbine, yesterday, but we almost had to swim back because of the extremely high water and the (too) quick increasing sea level! At arrival in the harbor of Scheveningen around 22:00h we already saw cars and trucks in the water until the axes, so we had difficulties getting onto the pier.
However, after seeking shelter in the boat because of heavy rain and extreme winds (we measured >26 m/s (>90 km/h)) there was no getting off the 'pier' anymore....the water had risen at least 30cm in the 15 minutes that we were in the boat.... I phoned Saskia, who was waiting for us in the car on "dry land", no answer, then Bernd found a pontoon, but this was a bit large and unstable.... Finally I managed to get on top of a pier-post (normally several meters above the surface, now only ~40 cm above the surface, some of them even invisible) and jump 1.5 m to "dry land".... for Bernd (short legs ;)) we arranged a wooden step ladder that was floating in the water, with this we bridged the gap between the pier and "dry land"............ very exciting!!!!


Blogger jaspervandijk said...

Hey Yuri,

Al weer even niets gelezen op je blog, maar zo te zien ben ik deze week wel ff zoet met al het nieuws.

Klopt, het is voor het eerst dat zelfs Patricia het in Nederland niet koud vindt.

Klonk al een gezellig trip, en had graag een foto van Bernd zn hals brekende toeren willen zien om op land te komen. Groeten, ook aan Bern en Saskia al je ze weer spreekt. Ik heb geen contact info van ze (althans, kreeg geen email terug op hun hyves/hi5).

Spreek je de 18e in Eindhoven.


5:53 PM  

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